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(Grades 9-12th) 


Life Nite

Starts Sunday August 25th from 6:30 - 8PM

Join us on select Sundays after the 5:30 PM Mass in the Dempsey Social Hall 

Check out the full 2024-2025 Life Nite schedule below:

Click Here to Print Life Nite Schedule


All students are asked to sign a Student Conduct Agreement (Click here)

All students must sign in and sign out.
Adult supervision throughout.


What is Life Teen?
As a Eucharist-centered movement within the Roman Catholic Church,
 Life Teen leads teenagers and their families into a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ and His Church.

With the Blessed Virgin Mary as our intercessor and guide, Life Teen seeks to unleash the fullness of the Sacramental power present within the young Church.

At St. Thérèse of Carmel, our Life Teen program has given teens a place to form community and grow a deeper relationship with Christ.


For more info on Life Nites, Youth Service Opportunities, other youth ministry events or becoming a RISE Student Leader contact Julia at



- Click Here to Fill out the Interest Form - 

Dare to be heard! Do you have a favorite band or artist that inspires you? What if you could play music like them but all for the glory of God! 


Help us build a Praise and Worship Youth Band! We are looking for high school musicians (grades 9 - 12th) who are eager to join in sharing their musical gift with the community! (Use the link above to sign up) 


The purpose of this youth band is to introduce that extra element of praise and worship to our Life Nites and other youth ministry events starting in the Fall! This is a great opportunity to not only help bring yourself and others closer to Jesus but to also grow in community with those who share a love for music!


Youth Band will begin as a Summer program with weekly band rehearsals to prepare for the Fall!


Parents for Teens 

Are you a parent, grandparent or guardian that is interested in supporting our teens as they continue to grow in their faith and become involved in the STOC parish community? 

Look no further, we have put together a way for parents to be part of and stay involved during the faith journey of their teens at St. Thérèse of Carmel. We are putting together a volunteer group of parents, grandparents and guardians alike called Parents for Teens or PFT. 

When we are in need of support with youth ministry events, Life Nites, Friday Night Lights, Confirmation classes, retreats and more we would reach out to those involved in PFT!  What does volunteering look like? Being a part of PFT includes but is not limited to monitoring and supervising outings when more eyes are needed, helping to set up environment, as well as gathering, setting up and cleaning up food for events. 

As per Diocesan requirements, we need chaperones for events we are planning for throughout the year. We are looking for flexible and available people we can reach out to when we are in need. YOU are a vital part of our youth ministry community! 

We know the demands of being a parent is never ending, so PFT was purposely formed as a casual group where parents pitch in whenever they can, no pressure! 

Looking to get involved? Reach out to Julia at if you are interested in supporting our teens at our upcoming events!

Check out all the fun we are having on our instagram page @stocym