The Seven Sacraments touch all the stages and all the important moments of Christian life: they give birth and increase, healing and mission to the Christian’s life of faith. There is thus a certain resemblance between the stages of natural life and the stages of the spiritual life.


The Sacrament of Baptism is a sacrament of Initiation, the first step for Catholics in a lifelong journey of commitment and discipleship. Baptism is the Church’s way of celebrating and enacting the embrace of God. Baptisms are performed as a communal Sacrament by Deacon John Fanelle on the fourth Sunday of each month after the 11:00 a.m. Mass.

Parents are required to register as parishioners and become active and participating members of our community. Baptismal classes are held on the first Sunday of each month. If this is the first child, both parents are required to attend the Baptismal Class. To schedule a Baptism, obtain forms, or register for the Baptismal Class, please contact the parish office (858) 481-3232.


The Sacrament of Eucharist is the preeminent sacrament of Initiation from which all others have meaning. Eucharist, by reenacting Christ’s actions during the Last Supper, reminds us that Christ gave His body and pours His blood out for our sins.

At St. Thérèse of Carmel we serve this sacrament through:

A very active Elementary Faith Education program that will help your child prepare for their very special First Eucharist .
For adults being received into the Catholic Faith, we have a rich and caring RCIA program, of which part of it is receiving the sacraments of Eucharist at the very special Easter Vigil Mass.
The Eucharistic Ministers of Communion pleasantly devote time and effort to help serve the Eucharist during Mass.


The Sacrament of Confirmation is the sacrament of Initiation mature Catholic commitment and a deepening of baptismal gifts. Confirmation celebrates the gift of the Holy Spirit first given at the great Pentecost event and bestows a sharing of that gift on those who receive this sacrament. Confirmation curriculum for teenagers is an eight-month curriculum culminating with the Confirmation Sacrament held on a Sunday to be announced in May.

At St. Thérèse of Carmel we serve this sacrament through:

A very active Teen Faith Education program that will help your child prepare for their very special First Eucharist.
For adults being received into the Catholic Faith, we have a rich and caring RCIA program that will guide candidates through the Confirmation experience.


Reconciliation is a Sacrament of Healing. Reconciliation focuses on forgiveness in our life and on our acceptance of that forgiveness, which brings us back to spiritual health in the family of God after we have turned away.

At St. Thérèse of Carmel we serve this sacrament through:

Reconciliation is held every Saturday from 4:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. at Church.

Holy Matrimony

Matrimony is a Sacrament of Vocations. The exchange of marriage vows in the sacrament points to the union and sanctification of the married couple in the likeness of Christ’s union with the Church. Matrimony celebrates and witnesses the covenant of love between two people and symbolizes in that union Christ’s covenant of love for the church.

At St. Thérèse of Carmel we serve this sacrament through:

Guiding and support is provided during the preparation period before the celebration and our Church is blessed with being favored by many people as a location for their Catholic wedding celebration. To get all the information, please check our pages on Planning Your Wedding.

Anointing of the Sick

Anointing of the Sick is a Sacrament of Healing. The anointing with the oil and the accompanying words spoken by the priest point to the grace of the Holy Spirit which is given to help the person in sickness, free the person from sin, save and raise up the sick person to everlasting life. The anointing of the sick is administered to bring spiritual and even physical strength during an illness, especially near the time of death.

At St. Thérèse of Carmel we serve this sacrament through:
The Ministry To The Sick provides special care for the sick and home-bound of the parish.

Holy Orders

Holy Orders, a Sacrament of Vocation, is a sacrament of service by which some are called by God, through the Church, to be spiritual leaders. By laying his hands overs the ones to be ordained and by saying the prayer of consecration over them, the bishop consecrates them as bishop, presbyter or deacon. These words and actions represent the grace of the Holy Spirit granted to them to carry out their ministry in a holy manner.

At St. Thérèse of Carmel we serve this sacrament through:

The Knights of Columbus is a very active ministry that focuses on supporting the priesthood and the Church. Check them out and get involved.
The Guild Ministry is also very active in supporting the priesthood and the Church. Get involved is a very fulfilling experience.