Have you been attending Mass, but never taken the step to become Catholic? Were you Baptized Catholic as a child but never received the other Sacraments of Initiation (Reconciliation, Eucharist & Confirmation) and would now like to become a fully-initiated Catholic? Were you Baptized in another Christian faith and would now like to find out more about the Catholic Church and receiving the Sacraments? Do you know friends or family who might be interested in learning about becoming a Catholic Christian?
If any of the above questions apply to you, we would love to help you in your spiritual journey! Or if you know of anyone who would be interested in the above questions, please extend an invitation to them!
For more information on the RCIA process, please contact Karen Klause, RCIA Coordinator by CLICKING HERE
or contacting the Parish Office at (858) 481-3232.
RCIA is the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults and is the process for an Adult to become Catholic. RCIA participants learn about the Catholic faith by understanding Catholic beliefs and experiencing the Church’s liturgical life, leading to the reception of the Sacraments of Initiation at the Easter Vigil (the Saturday evening before Easter), when the participant then becomes a fully-initiated Catholic.
The first step is the Inquiry process, which takes place during the summer when Registration for the next RCIA group opens in June. Weekly classes are held September through the following Easter, during which time catechesis (the passing on of the teachings of the Church) takes place, providing participants with an understanding of the Liturgical Year, important dates in the Church calendar, the Gospel and Scripture readings, lessons on the seven Sacraments, Prayer, the Rosary, the Bible, Advent, Lent, the Scrutinies, the Trinity and the Holy Spirit, and lessons about Jesus and His Ministry.
Each RCIA participant will have a Sponsor who will journey with them during the process, and will stand up for them at the three Rites and the Easter Vigil, when they receive their Sacraments of Initiation.
The three Rites that the RCIA individuals participate in are as follows:
- The Rite of Acceptance and Welcoming takes place at the beginning of Advent during a weekend Mass, and is the first public affirmation of their spiritual journey in the Catholic faith.
- The Rite of Sending takes place at the beginning of Lent during a weekend Mass, where un-Baptized Catechumens sign the Book of Elect, and are prepared to be “sent” to the Bishop, along with the Candidates, to participate in the Rite of Elect.
- The Rite of Elect takes place with the Diocese at the beginning of Lent, and participants are declared “Elect” by the Bishop of San Diego and are eligible to receive the Sacraments of Initiation at the Easter Vigil.
The Easter Vigil is a solemn and sacred Mass the Saturday evening before Easter Sunday. The Liturgy for this Mass includes the reception of the Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Confirmation & Eucharist) for the RCIA participants, where they become fully-initiated Catholics that evening and full members of the Body of Christ, the Church.
For more information on the RCIA process, please contact Karen Klause, RCIA Coordinator by CLICKING HERE
or contacting the Parish Office at (858) 481-3232.