Congratulations on your engagement and upcoming nuptials! The parish community of St. Thérèse of Carmel rejoices with you during this blessed time in your lives.


Christian marriage is sacramental, meaning it is set apart, ritually commissioning a man and a woman, through the express consent of the couple and the blessing of the celebrant, to serve as a sign of God's love for the world. The exchange of vows reveals the sanctifying character of this holy union. Matrimony celebrates the love between a man and a woman, and gives witness to the sanctifying love Christ has for His Bride, the Church.

Becoming engaged to be married is a big step. The staff at St. Thérèse of Carmel stands ready to offer the guidance and support you need to be ready for your celebration. We are eager to work with you during your marriage preparation and in the months and years that follow. During this time of preparation, you will learn a great deal about Christian marriage and one another. It is our hope that you will find joy in the new discoveries you will make as you prepare for the Sacrament of Marriage, which in turn will prepare you for a joyful and faith-filled married life together.



Parishioners wishing to be married at St. Thérèse of Carmel must be formerly registered, active and participating members (attending and tithing) of our parish community for one year before setting a date, to be considered parishioners. Couples should plan to start their marriage preperation nine months prior to their wedding date.  Couples celebrating their marriage at St Thérèse of Carmel must complete the marriage preparation and turn in all required documentation one month prior to their wedding date.  Couples being prepared at St. Thérèse of Carmel but celebrating their marriage elsewhere must complete their marriage preparation and turn in all required documentation at least two months prior to their wedding date.  Please call the parish office (858) 481-3232 or email Mary Lucena in the Pastor's Office to start making arrangements.

For non-parishioners wishing to be married at St. Thérèse of Carmel, additional conditions will apply.

We are delighted that you would like to celebrate the most important day of your new life ahead in our beautiful church. Your wedding day is the day you accept from God, his special blessing, in the Sacrament of Matrimony. The coming months will be a joyful and grace filled time for you and your fiancé, for your families and friends, and for this parish community.

We must all take great care to see that the liturgy for this special moment is reverent, graceful, and beautiful, as the bride and groom open themselves in a new way to the Holy Spirit. Thus, it is fitting that the celebration of Christian marriage be rooted in the scriptures and the Eucharist so that they can be strengthened by God’s word and nourished by Christ’s Body and Blood.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask them. May the Lord greatly bless you as you prepare for Christian marriage, may He help your love grow and may He fill you with His joy and peace.

The Parish Staff of St. Thérèse of Carmel